Yesterday, we headed down to our local CJIS to be fingerprinted for our clearance checks. Today, I opened my mailbox to find none other than the very clearance check forms we thought would take a few weeks to receive! WooHoo!
I've been very busy gathering documents and filling out paperwork since our first home study visit on Sept. 5th. Now, just over a week later, I'm about 85% complete with required forms. We basically just need medical forms filled out for all family members. Oh, and we need a visit from the Fire Marshal. When our social worker comes back on Sept. 18th, I will proudly hand over my stack-o-papers and say to her,
"I told you that I was an efficient, multi-tasker!"For those who are curious as to what goes into a home study (through our agency):
1.) Protective Services Clearances
2.) Child Support Clearances (N/A!)
3.) Police Clearance: Any criminal history through state and FBI
4.) Sanitary Survey
5.) Fire Safety Inspection
6.) Medical Reports on all family members
7.) Statement of Net Worth
8.) Verification of Employment
9.) Tax Returns
10.) Copy of Birth Certificates of family members
11.) Copy of Marriage License
12.) Adoption Decree from our adoption of our daughter from China
13.) References (3)
14.) Driving Records from MVA (certified)
15.) Home Safety Checklist
16.) Guardianship Statement
17.) School Adjustment Report
18.) Home Study Agreement (contract)
Now..more good news! Since we adopted Luci Bella from China in 2005, we are able to have a subsequent home study done this time around. They will use a large part of our old home study and require less interviews. Which means, that it should take no time at all to get this completed!
After our home study is complete, we'll start compiling our dossier and waiting for our fingerprint appointment to get our I-171 H Form. Fortunately, most of our home study documents can be used for our dossier. I'm hoping we continue to move at a steady pace.
So far, so good!!!