This week has been filled with so many blessings. Sometimes I sit back and think, "Okay, how much of this was me being persistent, how much of this is because of God's good graces?". Of course, I know the answer. It sometimes seems hard to decipher our influences over His when you are making important decisions in life. With this adoption, we have questioned timing, being able to handle this financially, providing for the family we have now--all the while feeling the pull from God to bring another child into our lives. There's no question in our minds, we will adopt again. Over the course of the last three weeks, we have waited, prayed, planned, researched--all the things most adoptive parents go through in this process.
Within the past few days, we were given the green light to proceed with this adoption. We've had a few HUGE examples of God saying it's time. First, we were offered financial help from a family member that we just can't turn down. I count my blessings daily for the love and support of my family. Second, our Pastor has agreed to allow us and another family to host a benefit concert/adoption fair at our church. We are completely thrilled with this! All proceeds with be divided between our families to help with adoption expenses. A popular local christian band will preform at our event. We also plan to contact various adoption agencies and foster programs to raise adoption awareness. We hope to make this a community event, which is something I've always wanted to do. God has blessed our church through adoption. We have so many families that have felt the need to save a child. It'll be a great day to celebrate and hopefully lead a family to a child in need.
So with that, it's time to get to work. I'm amazed that this is moving quicker than we anticipated. We are currently deciding on an agency to use. It's been a difficult process. You hear good and bad with every agency. I guess it's better to sometimes go with your instincts and keep outside influences at bay. It can be overwhelming.
I look forward to journaling through this process. It's an adventure of a lifetime and God has chosen us to walk this path, yet again! What an Awesome God!