People who adopt internationally come from all walks of life, and we each have our own unique story. There will always be someone who will judge us and not agree with the decisions we make. This simple fact exists regardless of what your family looks like to the outside world, whether you are married or single, have biological children or not--or in our case a large family...which, by the way, we are QUITE AWARE that when this process is done, we'll have FIVE children! I'm sick of having to rationalize to people the reasons why we chose to adopt again. Isn't it reason enough to say that we felt led by God to adopt?
We all have a tremendous desire to complete our families. There is so much soul searching in making the decision to adopt. We all have different reasons and life experiences that bring us to the point of carrying through with the adoption process.
So, we're trying not to focus on what others think. There will always be an ever-present voice of disapproval, jealousy, prejudice, or just plain old not understanding. It is part of being human and living in this world of ours. You move forward and never look back. It is about us and completing our life with our family. Regardless what other people think or feel; we will welcome a precious child into our lives. The experience enriches us in ways we could not imagine and in the end we know we'll find unspeakable joy and happiness!
On a spiritual level, God has a plan for us. So many of us think we know or try to convince or will ourselves to form a plan that's "God-Like", but to be still and truly listen to God and His will is a difficult task. We heard His call. It's hard for us to explain that to some people...but maybe that's part of our journey-- helping others understand Christ.
Adoption is not for the faint of heart. It is truly a difficult and emotional journey...a journey that is welcomed with an open heart and an opened mind--and a softened heart (mine) learning to be patient.
“But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness.... Against such things there is no law.”
Galatians 5:22-23
Amen and amen! My husband had to help me deal with difficult comments and questions by telling me that they do not neccessarily have to understand because odds are they will never fully understand. If they are our friends and loved ones then they should at least be able to support us because they love us. It is not really THEIR place to understand God's calling on OUR lives. This helped me to take things less personally because I am definitely a "wear my heart on my sleeve" kinda girl! Great post! I totally feel all of this! We are not quite to the point where people are asking why another? More so, why adopt when you haven't even tryed to have your own?
Great post! you said everything I have been feeling but couldn't find the right words. Though we are surrounded by supportive friends and family, it is those who don't know us well that always seem to ask the why questions. How funny we have the same song. I heard it for the time on an adoption photography site. It gives me goose bumps every time I hear it.
I am sooo with you! And I happen to think 5 is great number of kids! Men don't need to understand God's plan. His ways are not our ways and his plans are not our plans. And I for one, am glad that is the case. My life is nothing like I planned and so much better than I could have dreamed.
Love ya!
First of all, I just love your header, it is adorable!
Second, I totally agree with your points. I don't have time to find the exact links now, but I think the Green family blog and No More Counting the Cost might interest you. Jena at Preparing for Rain (on MRS. Brocolli Guys blogroll) has them listed in her links.
Thgank you! If only more people wouldn't worry about what others thought!
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