To the dear friend that pulled me aside at church before Sunday School to pray for our adoption...
Prayer. I often feel I don't pray enough. When I do, I feel at times like I rush through prayer, much like I rush through my busy life. As a mom, focusing on one specific thing is near impossible. Multi-tasking becomes a mastered craft and my brain is fast-forwarding to the agenda next at hand. You can't multi-task prayer in fast-forward. Through this adoption process I've taken on one of my favorite verses from the Bible, "Be Still and Know the I am God--Psalm 46:10". Stillness is an important ingredient in order for me to pray...really pray. When I accomplish this, I feel a closer connection to God; I'm able to actually listen instead of rattling my checklist of prayer requests. "Being Still" has helped me through the last 8 weeks of this adoption journey, trying not to stress over paperwork and still maintaining focus on my family. My prayers have slowed down because I have slowed down. I'm able to pray with an open heart and mind and for the first time, feel God's hand on my shoulder...it's indescribable.
Which leads me to the beginning of this post. My dear friend--who is known to be as fast-forward as I, THANK YOU for taking time out to pull me aside to pray. You came to me wanting to pray over our adoption because it had been on your heart. Meanwhile, I feel God sent you to me for these reasons:
Pause Life.
Be Still.
Isn't He amazing!
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:4-7
I know what you mean. I have been trying to stay busy to keep my mind occupied from the wait, but God has been showing me that spending time with Him is what will keep my mind at ease, and at peace. I wish I had learned this lesson earlier in the process then maybe I wouldn't have been so stressed. I'm thankful that He is showing me how to be still and wait on Him and His timing.
I will be praying for you too!!
I loved this. Being still is such a hard thing for me in prayer! I'm working on it.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Isn't great to have friends like that???? I love mine!
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