Nov 6, 2007

It Came!!!

Oh joy!!! It Came!!! The form that confirms that we are officially "PAPER PREGNANT"! When the form came in the mail today, I wasn't certain that it was what we've been waiting for. It took less than a week to get here! It stated that it was an I-797C...which I found out is the same as an I-171h! Anyhow, we have it...and we are doing the SNOOPY DANCE!

Here it is! It's official!

Let's see what is says....

Good For One Baby Sister

See...right here in black & white!

I can't wait to be a Big Sister!


kristin said...

congratulations!!!!!!! wheee!!!!

Michelle said...

Yay! Congrats! That is so exciting, I am hoping mine comes this week too:) The pics are precious, she looks soooo happy!

Karen said...

Yay!!! Looks like you and your family will be celebrating tonight.


Karen H.

Amanda said...

You are doing the Snoopy dance and I am doing to sprinkler! Yawhoo! I am SOO happy! One giant step closer to sweet baby!

Becca Daws said...

Congrats to you! I have been following your blog for sometime, I think originally because you are using Orphans Overseas, I think?

My husband and I are praying through adoption from Vietnam. If you don't mind sharing, how has working with OO been? Feel free to email me at or post on my blog.

Thanks so much!

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

That is awesome!!!!!

Dawn said...

WOW ~ 1 week?!
6 weeks today and still waiting.
We were told 6-8 weeks, so we are hoping VERY soon.

Anonymous said...
