Jan 1, 2008

Happy 2008!

Our holiday season, like many, has been so busy! We have spent the last few weeks entertaining and visiting family and friends. Our Christmas was wonderful and we are praying that by next year, our sweet baby girl will be joining us! I will continue to keep those in prayer who are waiting and "oh, so close" to bringing their little ones home. Prayers also for a 2008 full of resolve, promise and unity for the Vietnam adoption program. Happy New Year and God's Blessings to you all! Here are a few pictures of my family over the last few weeks. The Santa in the video is my Dad and the new baby is our niece, Cate!


Leslie & Shaune said...

you have a beautiful family. here's to having our daughters home with us by next christmas!!

Carissa said...

That is amazing! Looks like everyone had a great holiday!