Over the last few weeks, we have been planning an Adoption Benefit Yard Sale. We've collected so many donations from friends and family. The out pour of generosity makes us feel so blessed! So now...it's time to get busy. Sorting, organizing, pricing all the items for Saturday's event. We've cleaned out our attic, our closets, boxes that have remained sealed for the past sixteen years of our marriage--it's quite amazing what you accumulate in a lifetime. Stuff. Well, let's just hope this "stuff" will make our yard sale a success!
Not too much going on with the adoption. Now that the paperwork part of the process is complete, I feel so useless. At least when I was filling out paperwork, running to get forms notarized, going to doctor appointments--I felt like I was accomplishing something. With it being out of my hands, it feels like time has slowed down. Now...we wait. As of now, we're waiting for our home study agency to finish the hard copy of our home study. Once that is complete and reviewed by our agency, it'll be sent to USCIS to obtain our I-171H form. An I-171H states that you are approved to adopt a child from the foreign country you specified. We're hoping we get this form quickly. Issue time in Maryland has been running under two weeks. So for now, we wait. Guess we better find a comfy chair...
We had a garage sale in September to raise funds. I strongly suggest that you put the reason for the sale in any advertising you do. We had perfect strangers donating items and money upon reading the ad, and people were constantly telling us to keep the change. It also helped that my very vocal friend was standing at the end of the driveway like a carnival barker announcing the reason for the sale, hilarious! Our sale was a huge success, we raised enough to pay for our home study and our I600 fees, plus some left over. Best of luck!
Yeah for Kate C. She had a successful yard sale, and I know you will to. If you are looking for a very vocal friend to stand at the end of the driveway shouting, it isn't me....but I could...well, never mind. You know I can get the reason for the yard sale out there in other ways! :)I can't wait for Saturday and hope it is a huge success.
Good luck with your yard sale! Ours was amazing!
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