Our yard sale on Saturday turned out to be a huge success! We were able to raise over $1500 in six hours! I must admit, it was hard work preparing for the event...but so worth it. If you are looking for a fundraiser for your adoption, a yard sale is the way to go. We had generous donations from friends and family and even a few from perfect strangers. One lady stopped by because she saw our ad in the paper and donated a truck load of items...already tagged and ready to sell! Thanks to Amanda who showed up at 6:00am with coffee, donuts and a smile on her face. More thanks to Linda, Will, Terri, Greg, and of course My Boys...we couldn't have done it without you!
A Few Tips:
1) Put an ad in the paper.
2) Ask anyone and everyone you know for donations.
3) Arrange for a charity to pick up items you do not sell. (We didn't do this...but wish that we had)
4) Make small signs that say "Please Haggle/Barter Lightly, Raising Funds For Adoption. (This was a Biggie! People will talk you down over a 25cent item. Those professional "yard-salers" are vicious!)
5) Slash prices in half during the last hour or two of your sale. Exclude high-price items. (Another Biggie. We made quite a bit of money towards the end)
I am so glad you made such a wonderful profit...$1500 closer to bringing sweet baby home. It was a beautiful day and hanging out with friends actually made yard saling fun!
So happy to hear that the yard sale went so well!
Oh my goodness $1500 is fabulous!! Congrats!
Thanks for writing this.
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