Oct 23, 2007

Yard Sale

Our yard sale on Saturday turned out to be a huge success! We were able to raise over $1500 in six hours! I must admit, it was hard work preparing for the event...but so worth it. If you are looking for a fundraiser for your adoption, a yard sale is the way to go. We had generous donations from friends and family and even a few from perfect strangers. One lady stopped by because she saw our ad in the paper and donated a truck load of items...already tagged and ready to sell! Thanks to Amanda who showed up at 6:00am with coffee, donuts and a smile on her face. More thanks to Linda, Will, Terri, Greg, and of course My Boys...we couldn't have done it without you!

A Few Tips:

1) Put an ad in the paper.

2) Ask anyone and everyone you know for donations.

3) Arrange for a charity to pick up items you do not sell. (We didn't do this...but wish that we had)

4) Make small signs that say "Please Haggle/Barter Lightly, Raising Funds For Adoption. (This was a Biggie! People will talk you down over a 25cent item. Those professional "yard-salers" are vicious!)

5) Slash prices in half during the last hour or two of your sale. Exclude high-price items. (Another Biggie. We made quite a bit of money towards the end)


Amanda said...

I am so glad you made such a wonderful profit...$1500 closer to bringing sweet baby home. It was a beautiful day and hanging out with friends actually made yard saling fun!

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that the yard sale went so well!

Living to Love said...

Oh my goodness $1500 is fabulous!! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.