We've been so busy the last week or so. Our three boys are in the heart of basketball season, so we've been running non-stop to try-outs and practices. We love it and can't wait for games to begin.
In adoption news, we feel like we're making progress. Our agency sent our documents back to us to have them county and state certified. Normally the agency does this step for us, but because our state (Maryland) requires county authentication in addition to state, we asked to do this ourselves. Our agency is located in Oregon and we didn't want to risk our dossier being lost in transit by going back and forth from county, state and agency. Anyway, we were able to authenticate all our documents on Wednesday (11/21) and had them sent via overnight mail back to our agency. Our documents should be sent off tomorrow to the Vietnamese Consulate in San Francisco for authentication. After that, our dossier finally gets sent to Vietnam where it will be translated and logged into the DIA (Department of International Adoption). From there, we get our official "number" and the wait begins!
Good luck! Hope you are logged in soon!
That is great!!
Our dossier (minus the I-171H) cleared the Consulate last week. Our agency has it now.
That's my Kate...takin care of business. I am so happy this process is moving right along, especially when every day counts.
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